Let's face it. Traditional, stand up networking events, simply don't work. If you are lucky, you get to network with 3 to 5 people.
If you are tired of networking events that...
- There's no one to greet or check you in
- It's crowded and you don't know who to talk to or how to start networking
- It seems like a crowded room of folks just socializing
- You walk out with just a few new contacts
- It's difficult to break in and start a conversation
Then face to face speed networking is for you. Our speed networking events are extremely organized. We emphasis on having all attendees getting a chance to meet everyone in short, 5 minute face to face meetings.
Check back often as our calendar is updated frequently. There is no membership required to attend our business networking events. Unless you choose to become a VIP. VIPs attend all our paid events for FREE or at a discount.
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