IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT!!!! Please confirm 24 hours prior to the e-mail request
IMPORTANT FREE EVENT! Normally Cost is: $20.But, for this one time enjoy and try it for FREE as a thank you for listening !
Please DO NOT RSVP yes unless you are 100%. You will only be taking someone's spot, as space is limited.
Be advised, before Speed Networking There will be a 20 minute presentation by me, That is why this event is FREE. Normally $20. Those arriving after 6:20 will not be admitted. No, I'm not selling Amway or going to ask you to buy anything. I'll simply be talking about the direction and plan for Meet Me There Events
Don't be swayed by the title. Speed networking is a great way to make new friends and practice your social skills
Would you like to network your business or yourself? Are you tired of the same old "Networking Parties" where you barely get to meet the majority of attendees? Then Speed Networking is for you. If you have a business or service you would like to share with other attendees, please bring your information and cards. If you would like to simply to make new social contacts and speed network, then please attend. This is a great way to make new contacts and make new friends.
At Speed Networking, you meet all the attendees.
How it works:
*Arrive at least at between 5:45 and 6:15 and check in
You will be assigned either an A or B. Then directed to all the numbered stations.
* When we begin, the B's will rotate first and the A's will remain seated. You will have a two minute face to face introduction with all attendees. It's fun, fast and exciting. The host will ring the bell after two minutes and you will then keep rotating until you have met all attendees. We'll start speed networking at 6:30 PM -8:30 PM
* After all face to face introductions you'll have the opportunity to meet and network again wit all attendees. 8:30 PM - 9:00 PM.
All attendees will be entered in a FREE raffle.
IMPORTANT! Normally Cost is: $20.But, for this one time enjoy and try it for FREE! However, please do not RSVP yes unless you are 100%.
This is a 20 person minimum event. Let' make it happen!
Pre-registration only. We no longer allow for walk ins. It's just too difficult to plan and get an accurate head count. Thank you for your understanding