Studies have show that being part of a group improves our mental health Loneliness can increase the risk for heart disease,
stroke and even dementia. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy spoke to NBC News on why it
has become an epidemic in America and his recommendations.
For fourteen years, Meet Me There Events has been bringing people together.
We rotate a variety of fun events and
activities in all three S. Florida counties. Something for everyone. Join our group and be a part
of something special. Read some of our member testimonials here
See calendar of events here
and how belonging to that group tells us something about who we are. Join today and start having more FUN!
Frequently asked questions: Is membership required and why? Yes. We are a membership organization. To be frank, running and promoting this organization is REALLY expensive. Plus, we do so many free events for members, your membership helps pay for that. There is always an event host at our events. Your membership helps us negotiate the best price possible when planning paid events. Respectfully, we have found people who want everything for free are not serious about participating. Those who join tend to show up almost all of the time. Unlike some other groups, we believe in a transparent approach. No hidden costs or overbearing sales approach. Are you a singles organization? No. But we do find the majority of members to be single. We don't focus on that. If you are looking to meet someone special, your chances increase when not looking for it. Getting together on a regular basis helps build lasting relationships. Is there an age limit? No, we don't ID our members. However, we find the majority are between 35 and 55. Give or take. But, we really don't care. If you want to join a group of really nice people trying fun activities and social events, GREAT! You can see past photos here Can I just try one event first? No, sorry. Compared to others our membership fee is so much more affordable. Only $25 per month. Not to mention, we have something for everyone. Read more about us here
All profiles require a member picture. No pets, robots, landscapes etc..