Social activities for         busy professionals

Beach party and champagne

  • 10 Nov 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Member access only. Free event for members


Another FREE event for members Join here

Let's hit the beach, play a little volleyball, get acquainted and make new friends. This is also a great opportunity to discuss future event ideas and what makes the group a success. We'll have a champagne toast prior to wrap up.

We'll rotate this event regularly in all three counties. Palm Beach, Broward and Dade. Look for the next one on a beach near you soon.

*No obligation but, you may want to bring an item. Food, snacks, beverage, barbecue, blankets chairs, folding tables etc....

* I will bring the volleyball and champagne. You do not have to be experienced. This is a great location as there are free volleyball courts in place.

*There is no requirements to do anything but show and be social.

* If you are planning to attend, you will be required to respond to the confirmation/meeting instructions e-mail 24 hours prior. This is a weather permitting event. So, your contact info is required should it cancel due to bad weather.

Hi, I'm Adrian. Look for me. Be sure to check your e-mail and spam filter for meeting instructions

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