Social activities for         busy professionals

Cardio Tennis Social Mixer. Just for fun.

  • 15 Oct 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Shown to members only


We rotate this event at different locations on a regular basis. 

Come play tennis with other members! Round Robin means you will switch on off with other members. OK, so many of you have said your not quite at that level yet still enjoy hitting the ball or you want to learn. So, on court two it will be beginner round robin whatever. Practice, vollies, make up rules as we go along or whatever works as long as we are having fun. Maybe some of the advanced players will give us some tips.

This is a great way to make new friends and find potential partners at your level. Trust me. Just for fun. You do not have to be experienced! If you don't have a raquet, no problem. We will supply racquets and balls. This event is free for all members.

If you're looking for some fun, which may include sweating, laughing, cheering, running, falling on your rear end making new friends, and even playing a little competitive tennis, then round robin tennis is the answer! Depending on how many players show up, we'll have several courts of doubles, (predominantly) mixed doubles and possibly some singles...whatever seems like the most fun for everyone.

We'll mix it up with different players , try to keep everyone's interest and involvement high! Be sure to bring a chair of some sort.

*As a reminder, a confirmation and meeting instructions e-mail is always sent out 24 hours before. All members attending are required to respond in addition to RSVP'ing. Please check your spam filter as many of them end up there leaving members to say they never got instructions.
*Please RSVP responsibly. when you RSVP yes, both the others who have said yes and I, assume you are going to attend. If your plans change PLEASE change your RSVP!!!

Please note that we will follow strict Covid 19 Protocols for this event.
Please do not come if you have been exposed or are not feeling well. 
We will take temperatures when you arrive.
Face masks must be worn while within close proximity

Important! All our events are organized and hosted by us. You will always have a Host at the event to check you in, ensure you are having a good time and make introductions to other members. You will never not know how to find us and who is in our group. We always send out a meeting instructions e-mail 24 hours prior.

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